The New
Billionaires and Millionaires Marketplace


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Welcome to For the Discerning

The marketplace for Billionaires and Millionaires and those who aspire to become one.

It is the ultimate luxury to combine passion and contribution. It’s also a very clear path to happiness.


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Simple Luxury. For the Discerning 

FTD Luxury Highlights

If Luxury is a commodity

For the Discerning

Is the Answer

Top Brands

Each brand goes through an intensive vetted process allowing FTD to showcase the top quality luxury products available.

All in One Marketplace

Gone are the days when you need to have 10+ tabs open while shopping online. Find luxury items in 10+ categories in the FTD marketplace.

Awared Customer Service

We connect our consumers to our sellers. Feel confident listing your products on our platform. Awared customer service available 24/7.

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