These days, many long-term investors look to diversify their portfolios by investing in different asset classes. Some prefer to put their money in rare coins and jewels, while others invest in fine wines. One investment class quickly gaining in popularity is artwork. Not only can fine art enhance your home décor and evoke powerful emotions, it can appreciate in value simply by hanging on your living room wall.
FTDC Art as an Investment
Art Market Research
Recent years have shown a consistent rise of 25% or more. These kinds of returns have the investment world very interested – not only are large and small investors starting their own private collections, but many art investment funds have opened their doors and are ready for business.
Whether you want to buy into a fund through For The Discerning, start your own collection, or just purchase a few pieces to decorate your home, the best thing you can do is educate yourself. If you have an investment time horizon of 10 years or more, the wonderful and profitable world of art may be right for you.
FTDC Art Classifieds

Transaction Management
Our long list of industry contacts, developed over decades in the business, is an excellent source of information on available assets. Often we learn about availability before a listing is made public.
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